Thursday, November 29, 2007

Charlie Merrill, his editor

Jag fick ett spam-mejl idag. Det innehöll en gif på ett roulettehjul samt den här texten:
It had been five days since his expedition into the bathroom and the parlor, and he had recuperated from that experience faster than he would ever have believed. It had been five days since his expedition into the bathroom and the parlor, and he had recuperated from that experience faster than he would ever have believed. According to Mrs Jessica Krenmitz, her husband put the youngest of their four children in her arms and told her, "Ill be back with the others in a minute or two. "And thats only the beginning,Charlie Merrill, his editor, had told him at lunch that day - the lunch from which Paul was now returning with his bound galleys.
Misery wore not a stitch of clothing, yet Geoffrey thought that even the most prudish church-thrice-a-week village biddy could not have faulted her for indecency. It had been five days since his expedition into the bathroom and the parlor, and he had recuperated from that experience faster than he would ever have believed.
I juni nästa år sätter jag upp en rock-opera i Vitabergsparken. Manuset kommer till största delen bygga på texten ovan. Rollbesättningen måste vara klar i februari, så var snälla och dröj inte med intresseanmälan.


Soy said...

okej, jag och robert wells anmäler oss.
hats off.

Anonymous said...

Jag vill vara Paul. Jag vill komma tillbaka fran lunch, och:

The term galley can refer to any ship propelled primarily by man-power, using oars.

Jag vill forsta Paul. Varfor kommer han fran lunch med aror?

..ja, varfor inte? Jag och Paul ar ett. Please hire me.

Karin Ch said...

yo soy PÅ som fan! maila mej om tid, plats, förköpsinfo etc


E said...

V: Pauls karaktär har jag tänkt mig ska spelas av flera personer. En stram äldre (kanske lesbisk) kvinna, en aids-sjuk man med tovigt hår och tejpade glasögon, ett femårigt laestadianskt tvillingpar samt en golden retriever. Ska jag skriva upp dig som den gamla kvinnan, eller retrievern?

Soy, MBJ: Men vilka vill ni spela? Man kan inte se showen, bara spela i den. Som LIVET!

Anonymous said...

Jag är självfallet Misery.

E said...

Absolut. Måste fixa en vit soffa du kan ligga och åma dig i.